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Abstract. The poetry of Mustai Karim represents rather interesting legacy in terms of concretization of "pedagogical standards" in the culture of the Bashkir people. It is worth noting that literature has always tended to identify the priorities of the moral order, to determine the necessary moral and moral values. This is not excluded in the format of national literature. In the article, using the example of M. Karim's poetry, an attempt to determine the mandatory set of essential components of education in a literary work that affects reader's personality development is made. The relevance of the consideration of the stated issue is due to the significance of M. Karim's poetry for Russian literature and pedagogical thought, since he was not only a poet, but also a prominent public figure of the twentieth century. The wisdom embodied in his texts is the heritage of the people: the poet has always been a supporter of the search for truth, the creator of not only a contemplative order, but also an effective one. It is concluded that M. Karim's poetry is filled with deep meanings. The author identifies pedagogical meanings and offers his systematization, which determines the novelty and practical significance of this research. The main methods used by the author of the article in the course of analyzing the works of M. Karim are cultural-historical, systemic, problem-semantic. The article defines a number of "pedagogical standards", educational, moral constants of culture, which become the main value orientations for the poet, influencing the formation and maturation of a person. Such humanistic categories as "family", "home", "beauty", "responsibility", "kindness", "faith", "truth" is considered in M. Karim's texts situationally, fully and holistically. The poet's artistic and pedagogical experience is reflected in his lyrics and becomes an example of the proper upbringing of the younger generation, a necessary perspective for modern readers to objective assessment of life.

Keywords: Mustai Karim, lyrics, pedagogy, morality, ethics, author, reader


Information about the author

Bezrukov A. N. – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philology of the Federal State Budgetry Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ufa University of Science and Technology» (Branch in Birsk).



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For citation: Bezrukov A. N. Pedagogical standards of poetry by Mustai Karim, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Humanitarian and pedagogical Research, 2024, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 69–76. (In Russ.), doi:10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-4-69-76.