2 2024



Issue #1 - by 15 January.

Issue #2 - by 15 March.

Issue #3 - by 15 May.

Issue #4 - by 15 September.


For articles submitted to the journal «Humanitarian and Pedagogic Research»

Submission procedure

Papers are submitted in the electronic form to the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (to save a backup copy) and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (to the editor in charge) in one letter with the subject "To the journal «Humanitarian and Pedagogic Research» in several files:

1. Text of the article (review/message) with an abstract, keywords, and information about the authors in Russian.

2. Information on the article in English (an abstract, keywords, the transliteration of the bibliography, information about authors).

3. A scanned copy of the certified consent form (see Consent form / PDF). The files should be named with the author's surname (e.g. Ivanov1, Ivanov2, Ivanov3).

If the article is submitted in English, then the files 1 and 2 are inverted: file 1 contains brief information about the authors, a title, an abstract, keywords, and a text of the article in English. File 2 contains brief information about the authors, a title, an abstract, and key words in Russian. The LITERATURE section lists scientific sources in the language they were published. The REFERENCES section contains a transliteration of the list in the BSI version.

Formatting requirements

1. The text of the article (file 1) is provided in the electronic form and is to be word processed, using Microsoft Word with the extension docx.

Location and structure of the text within the article:

UDC - in the upper left corner of the 1st page of the article there must be a number according to the Universal Decimal Classification

Name Patronymic (initial letters) and Author's surname (City, Country) – are written in the upper right-hand corner of the 1st page, then the city and country (in Russian) are written in italics.

THE ARTICLE TITLE - in the centre, in capital letters, in bold (in Russian). The title should fully reveal the subject and theme of the article, as well as the main goal (question) set by the author for total exploring the stated theme.

The title should not exceed 13 words (=100 characters). There should not be used abbreviations in the title (except for the commonly known ones), as well as the clusters of punctuation marks.

Abstract – there should be in 200-250 words in Russian, separated from the text of the article by one line. It is recommended to give: the subject of the research, the purpose of the work, a method or methodology of the research, main results of the work and a scope of the research results relevance, methods, results, novelty and significance of research. The title of the article should not be repeated within the abstract.

Key words - in Russian 5-8 words (terms), contributing to indexing the article in search systems.

The text is to be typed in Times New Roman fonts, font size is 14, single line spacing, all margins - 2 cm, paragraph indent - 1 cm; orientation - portrait, hyphenation is automatic (without headings). There must be one space between text words (two or more spaces are not allowed). If additional fonts are used, when typing the article, such fonts should be submitted to the editorial board in the author's additional electronic folder.

The text the paper should be structured.

Introduction – declaration of the question or the theme, the relevance, a brief review of the scientific literature on the subject, a clear statement of the purpose of the work.

The body of the article should be divided into several numbered sections with meaningful headings. Sub-sections are also possible. Besides, it should contain a narrative to the material, methods of the research, a description of the analysis carried out, and the results obtained in the course of the research.

Conclusion - the major results of the study.

Linguistic examples are to be italicised in the text, examples from the fiction texts should have references to the sources in footnotes (not in the reference list). It is allowed to quote any primary sources, but the list of references should not include references to such materials as: unpublished works; government documents (government regulations, laws, etc.), historical documents, newspaper articles, dictionaries and fiction works.

A hyphen should be different from a dash, e.g.: pseudo-historical and late XIX – early XX cc. Dashes should be the same throughout the whole text, with spaces to the left and right of each one, except for the design of numerical periods and dates: e.g. pp. 39–41, 1920–1935,V. 1–3.

Figures, tables and graphs should have their own headings and, if there is more than one in the article, they should have been numbered. Tables must be placed directly into the text and numbered in order of appearance throughout the whole text of the article. The author should follow the principle of consistency - all tables should have thematic headings or all of them should go without exception with no titles. All information in the columns should be typed in font size 12.

Inverted commas should be the same throughout the text. Outer quotes are to be «.....», inner quotes are to be "... ".

Roman numerals shall be typed using the Latin keyboard: VIII, XV, II, III. The following characters may not be substituted insread of the Latin ones U111, XU, P, W.

When typing the whole text of the article styles and columns are not allowed.

The use of automatic lists is not allowed either.

References and Literature.

Bibliographic references in Russian are drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008 " The System of Standards for Information, Library work and Publishing. Bibliographic reference. General Requirements and Rules of Composition. "

For references to scientific literature, textlinks are used, and for cited literary works, newspapers, field material and archival documents, normative acts, footnotes with end-to-end numbering according to the text of the article.

A footnote (primary) link is a full reference to a historical source (normative act, archival materials) or to a source of illustrative material: dictionaries, reference books, literary texts.

1Tarasova V. I. Politicheskaya istoriya Latinskoy Ameriki. M. : Prospekt, 2006. S. 305–412.

A footnote (second) link with a sequential arrangement of primary and second references:

1Tarasova V. I. Politicheskaya istoriya Latinskoy Ameriki. M. : Prospekt, 2006. S.305–412.

2ibid S. 306.

The second footnote among other links:

12 Yazykov N. M. Ukaz. soch. S. 631.

13 GARF. F. 1234. Op. 1. D. 345. L. 56.

14 Tarasova V. I. Ukaz. soch. S. 387.

15 ibid S. 388…

32 O zhilishchnykh pravakh nauchnykh rabotnikov [Elektronnyy resurs]: postanovleniye VTSIK, SNK RSFSR ot 20 avg. 1933 g. (s izm. i dop., vnesennymi postanovleniyami VTSIK, SNK RSFSR ot 1 noyabr. 1934 g., ot 24 iyunya 1938 g.). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoy sistemy «Konsul'tantPlyus».

33Letchford Ye. U. S Beloy armiyey v Sibiri [Elektronnyy resurs] // Vostochnyy front armii admirala A. V. Kolchaka: [sayt]. [2004]. URL: http://east-front.narod.ru/memo/latchford.htm (data obrashcheniya: 23.08.2007).

Number of authors. The bibliographic description of each source is included ALL AUTHORS. If the publication has more than 6 authors, then after the 6th author it is necessary to put an abbreviation..., "etc." or..., "et al."

Gur'yanova I. V., Ispulova S. N., Kleshcheva Ye. A., Kuz'menko N. I., Slepukhina G. V., Khalikova D. A. Kompleksnoye soprovozhdeniye sub"yektov inklyuzivnogo obrazovatel'nogo prostranstva : monografiya s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem / otv. red. N. I. Kuz'menko. Novosibirsk : Izd. ANS «SibAK», 2017. 132 s.

Text bibliographic links to the stencil list are drawn up in a line of text in square brackets of the digital serial number and comma of the corresponding page numbers for published printed publications - [1, vol. 2, p. 25].

In the text: [10, p. 81] or [10, p. 106]

In the text link:

10. Berdyayev, N. A. Smysl istorii. M.: Mysl', 1990. 175 s. 

If the text is not quoted from the original source, then the words “Cit. by:" are used, e.g. [Cit. by: 13, p. 16].

Text links are located in LITERATURE section with 1 indent from the text. Alphabetical order of reference list is used. Automatic numbering is not applied. Foreign languages sources are submitted in the original and are not subjected to transliteration in REFERENCES section.

The total volume of an article (with an abstract, keywords, bibliographic list, in Russian and English) is from 10,000 to 40,000 signs with spaces (See Samples of article formatting in Russian and English).

Information about the author in the Russian and English languages. It is drawn up at the end of the article in the table.

Name, middle/patronymic name  
Academic degree  
Academic rank  
Organization (city and country)  
Position and Department  
Postal address and office phone   
Contact phone  
Mailing list address  

For graduate students and undergraduates - department, faculty / institute, educational institution, city, country.

Note! Phone number (not published) is used to contact the author while the article publication preparing; e-mail (published); postal address (not published).

2. Information in English (abstract, keywords, bibliography transliteration) (file 2).

Subject of the article / review / message in English.

 Abstract contains relevant translation from Russian into English.

Keywords section includes international analogues of the terms used.

REFERENCES section comprises list transliteration of "LITERATURE" section. For automatic transliteration BSI version is used. Sources in foreign languages are not transliterated and given in the original. Transliteration of journal titles are recommended to supplement with the official title (corresponding to the publication title in RSCI scientometric systems, etc.) in English or another foreign language, e.g.: ... Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii [Pedagogical Educationin Russia], 2016, no 6, pp. 12 17.

City name is indicated in full: M.: - in "References": Moscow.

3. Scanned copy of the certified consent form (file 3). Consent is drawn up according to the model (see the attached Blank soglasiya file). The form is sent after passing the normative control, before being sent for review. It is signed by all authors (and co-authors in one document), certified at the place of work or study (postgraduates / undergraduates), certified by the seal of these organizations and scanned.