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Publishing ethics

of the journal «Humanitarian and Pedagogical Research»

The editorial team of the journal Humanitarian-Pedagogical Research adheres to the recommendations formulated by the Russian and international associations of scientific editors and publishers in shaping its policy [1]. To this end, the editorial team:

  • is guided by the principles of scholarship, objectivity, professionalism, impartiality;
  • is responsible for the observance of ethical norms itself and cooperates only with those researchers, authors, editors, reviewers who guarantee and fulfil the ethical obligations regarding the publication and dissemination of the results of scientific research;
  • interacts with authors on the principles of fairness, courtesy, objectivity, honesty and transparency ensures a well-functioning peer-review institution by organizing mandatory peer-review by independent experts (double-blind peer-review);
  • guarantees access to publications by ensuring storage of materials in leading libraries and repositories of scientific information in the country;
  • publishes on its Website a regulation on publication ethics and peer-review, maintains and makes available to the scientific community a clearly defined journal policy, manuscript submission rules, instructions to authors and information on access to materials (free access and/or by subscription);
  • the publisher is required to include an ISSN and publisher's address in each issue;
  • as it appears, places on the advertising pages of the journal and on the Internet clear and intelligible information about paid services, approved by the editor-in-chief;
  • until it appears, information about the absence of paid services is also indicated on the publication's website;
  • respects the ethical criteria of authorship, i.e. recognizes as the author only the person who has substantially participated in writing the work, in conceptualizing it, in scientific design, collecting the material, analysing and interpreting it;
  • only publishes material with the written consent of all authors;
  • publish peer-reviewed materials only after agreeing the final text of the article with the author and do not allow the inclusion of outsiders as co-authors, considering this a violation of copyright;
  • clearly stipulates deadlines for editorial decisions on the publication's website in the instructions to authors; seeks to cooperate with professional scientific associations and industry communities to ensure the high quality of scholarship;
  • Is committed to preventing situations in which authors, reviewers or other actors involved in the production of scientific texts engage in unethical behaviour;
  • and ensures the withdrawal of unscrupulous publications from the scientific space; cooperates with the Ethics Council and scientific associations;
  • strive to prevent conflicts of interest by strongly encouraging authors to disclose in the "body" of the article their relations (sources of funding) with industrial and financial organisations if the publication of material could lead to a conflict of interest;
  • and the journal does not accept for publication articles that have been previously printed in other journals.

The editorial board recognises the following as unethical behaviour in the field of scientific publishing:

  • the requirement for authors to independently submit reviews of their own articles. This does not include the requirement of the journal to accompany the articles of undergraduate and postgraduate students with the reviews of their supervisors;
  • offering agent services for "turnkey publication of articles", correspondence with the editorial board on behalf of the author, revision of articles by the agent according to the reviewer's recommendations, preparation of paid reviews;
  • sale of co-authorship, gift co-authorship, change of authorship;
  • transfer of articles to other journals without the consent of the authors;
  • transferring materials from the authors to third parties; citation manipulations: artificial increase in science metric indexes, excessive self-citation and friendly citation; plagiarism, falsification and fabrication;
  • therefore, the editorial board checks the submitted materials before sending them for reviewing in the automated system Anti-Plagiarism.

The editorial board has the right to withdraw an article that has already been published, if it appears that the publication of the article violated someone's rights or generally accepted standards of scientific ethics. The editorial board informs the author who submitted the article and the organisation where the work was carried out about the fact of withdrawal of the article.


Public access policy

The articles in our journal are directly accessible to everyone, based on the principle that free open access to research results contributes to the advancement of universal knowledge. In this regard, all materials are available on the journal website and freely accessible at E. Library, RSCI and CyberLeninck.


Individual data protection

Editors comply with the Russian Federation privacy legislation, including Federal Law No. 152-FZ of 27 July 2006 on Personal Data and Federal Law No. 149-FZ of 27 July 2006 on Information, Information Technology and the Protection of Information, as amended. Regardless of these acts, however, editors will always protect the confidentiality of personal information received in the course of academic or professional interactions. If necessary, the editors have the right to request written consent to know and consent to publication from persons who are mentioned in the article or who may be recognised by others when publishing.


[1] Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications", adopted at the General Meeting of ANRI, held as part of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Publishing of International Level-2016: solving problems of publishing ethics, reviewing and preparation of publications", Moscow, May 20, 2016. [Electronic resource] // Publishing house "Nauka". URL: http://www.naukaran.com/avtoram/etika/