2 2024

Procedure of articles reviewing and publishing

in «Humanitarian and Pedagogical Research» journal

Articles are accepted by the editorial staff on a free and voluntary basis with an author’ written consent for publication (Form is attached).

In the consent author describes the materials represented to the editorial staff; agrees with the procedure of reviewing, editing, quotation, distribution established by the editors; undertakes obligations to respect the publisher’s interests posting the materials on the Internet independently, to observe the copyright and legitimate interests of other individuals or legal entities; confirms donating of the article and the fact that the represented materials are not classified and can be publicly published as well.

An article received by the editorial staff is registered and checked by the executive editor in «АнтиплагиатВуз» system within 3 days. Author receives the notification.

If article originality is less than 70 % (a list of references is excluded), the article is rejected, the editorial staff informs the author e-mailing the report.

The author can represent this article after completion or send another one. The verification procedure can be taken again.

The arriving date of materials is the date of getting the article with a standard indicator of originality and all other parts of the text (English translation of the subject, abstract, keywords, references, information about authors, a certified consent form).

The date of representing materials is indicated in the journal after References of the published article.

If the originality of the text and the design of the article meet the requirements of the journal, the author is notified about Double Blind Peer Review.

The executive editor anonymizes the text of the article, replacing author’s surname, name and, if available, patronymic with a cipher in Russian and English parts of the coming materials. The anonymized text of the article is sent to the editor-in-chief for distribution into sections, and then to editorial staff who is in charge of the following sections: I. "Education and Pedagogical Sciences", II. Social Sciences, III. "Philological Sciences", IV. "Scientific life" V. "For discussion." Sections IV and V are formed in the issue, if there is an appropriate relevant material.

 Section V. "For discussion" can be formed if the article materials have caused ambiguous assessments from the reviewers, and the given scientific problems or the chosen methodology, in the opinion of the editors, requires the attention of the scientific community. The editorial board has the right to comment on such articles .

People in charge of the sections are appointed by the editor-in-chief among the doctors of sciences of the relevant scientific specialties, who are the journal editorial board members . They organize the review process: they appoint two reviewers among the members of the editorial board, focusing on the range of their scientific interests and the corresponding scientific qualifications. In some cases, an expert who is not a member of the editorial board of the journal but employees of FSBEI HE “Nosov MSTU”and other specialists can be engaged with peer review as from among. The responsible for the section person can be one of the reviewers.

Reviewing is carried out on a voluntary and free basis during 10-15 days from the date of checking the article for meeting the requirements of the journal.

Reviewers conduct an examination of the materials according to the review questionnaire approved by the journal (Sample is attached), evaluating the article according to the following criteria:

1. Compliance to the scientific profile of the journal.

2. Correspondence to the title of the article to its content.

3. Type of article (problem-theoretic; description of a particular phenomenon; review; critical).

4. Compliance to the structure of article with the requirements for this type scientific texts.

5. The degree of novelty of the research.

6. Relevance and controversy of scientific issues.

7. Originality, tradition and expediency of the applied research methodology.

9. The quality of the illustrative material, including tables and figures.

10. Relevance and sufficiency of the quoted resources.

11. Stylistic design (presentation).

If the article does not correspond to the profile of the journal (criterion 1) or demonstrates results that are known and duplicate the data existing in the scientific literature (criterion 5), or is a number of wellknown facts and there is no novelty (criterion 6); then the reviewer recommends rejecting the article and commenting on the decision.

The article can be sent for completion, provided that paragraphs. 1, 5 and 6 do not contain negative ratings. In this case, the reviewer makes a recommendation for completion in the corresponding paragraph of the review, and the article will be sent for review after eliminating the inconsistencies.

The review is drawn up on paper or in two files - Word format (without information about the reviewer) and PDF with the details of the reviewer with a signature; sent to the editorial stuff, and then to the executive editor, who informs the author. The executive editor will anonymize the received reviews. Only the academic degree of the reviewer can be indicated in the review sent to the author.

If the reviews contain conflicting ratings, the article is reviewed by the person responsible for the section.

 If two positive reviews are received, the person responsible for the section makes a preliminary decision about the materials for publication .The decision is made by the Editorial stuff ?the chief and executive editors.

The author of the article receives the text of the reviews without specific information about the reviewer with the general decision "the article is accepted for publication" / "the article is recommended for publication after completion" / "the article is rejected".

If the author does not agree with the conclusions (or part of them) of the reviewers, author can justify and clarify the position. Reviewers can agree or disagree with the author’s arguments which in any case are recorded in the review.

The author can withdraw the article if he\ she does not agree with the conclusions of the editorial board.

If the article is accepted for publication, the executive editor reports to the author about the number and year of the issue of the journal which the publication is accepted. From the moment the author submits an article, completely ready for publication, to the moment of publication, no more than 6 months should pass.

 After acceptance for publication, the article is going to the proofreaders of the English and Russian parts of the text . Then the text is sent to the author for final changes and approval. The author checks all parts of the materials, including personal information , co-authors, financial support (name, grant number, etc.). All edits made by the author are reviewed by the executive editor.

The author in a response letter sends a consent / disagreement to the publication of the article in the final version. From the date of approval of the proofs by the author, the publication period is counted. In case of disagreement, the executive editor corresponds with the author, finding out the reasons. If the author insists on his\her own version, then, in agreement with the editor-in-chief, the article can be published with the mark “published in the author's edition”.

Articles included in the next issue are assigned a DOI.

After the publication of the printed version of the journal on the same day or the next week day, a legal copy of the document is sent in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and agreements concluded by the publisher for the placement of the issue on the journal website, in the RSCI and the CyberLeninka Internet platform.

 During 5 days from the date of publication, an electronic PDF version of the corresponding issue of the journal is sent to the authors at the addresses indicated in the information about the authors.

If author discovers in a published issue a fundamental error which was not revealed at the stage of agreement and approval of the text, he\she reports to the editorial office. The editors will publish information about the error, as well as post on all platforms where the issues of the journal are located.

The receipt of a printed version of the journal issue by the author or other person (organization) is carried out by subscription through the catalogs of the agency, which at that time implements the distribution of printed publications by subscription in accordance with the current agreement with the university.