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doi: 10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-3-69-78

Abstract. The article is devoted to the identification and description of the semantic components (semes) of processual phraseological units with a reference to censure. The interestingness in the phraseology phenomenon is associated with the need to explore this linguistic phenomenon in its close connection with mentality peculiarities, cognition and perception of the surrounding world by an ethnic group. The study relevance is determined not only by the need to identify the semantic volume of phraseological units with a processual component, but also to describe such expressive linguistic units of secondary nomination with a reference to censure. The speaking subject’s system of value attitudes in the process of a censure situation implements a negative attitude towards the object’s unseemly actions, deeds or morally unacceptable behavior. A negative assessment contains the subject’s opinion of the speech act as a pragmatic formula “know / consider this is bad”. Special attention is paid to clarification of the terms “seme” and “semantic structure”. Semantic features in the structure of processual phraseological units with a censure reference as a linguistic and cultural phenomenon in the French language are identified. Description and comparison examples of semantic components phraseological units structure are given by donner du fil à retordre à qqn., secouer les puces à qqn. The list of semantic components, updated in processual phraseological units structures with a censure reference, obtained in analytical interpretation of empirical material, is concretized. The study confirms the idea that the choice of French processual phraseological units with a censure reference in the subject’s speech is directly dependent on the communicative strategy to give expressively a negative evaluation of the addressee’s actions and behavior. The research prospects in a further comparative analysis of the semantic structure of processual phraseological units with a censure reference based on the different languages materials are understood. That would make it possible to identify both universal and peculiar features of the analyzed censure reference and the phraseological worldview as a whole.

Keywords: semantic feature, seme, semantic structure, processual phraseological unit, reference to censure, negative evaluation, French

Information about the authors

Mochelevskaya E. V. – Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Philology), Associate Professor of Department of Economics and Engineering, Almetyevsk branch of Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev.

Zalavina T. Yu. – Associate Professor, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages in Engineering Department, Institute of the Humanities, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU).



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For citation: Mochelevskaya E. V., Zalavina T. Yu. Semantic structure of processual French phraseological units with a censure reference, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Humanitarian and pedagogical Research, 2024, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 69–78. (In Russ.), doi:10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-3-69-78.