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DOI: 10.18503/2658-3186-2022-6-1-34-42

Abstract: The study of cultural life and government policy in the sphere of film industry formation and development at the beginning of the XX century (the construction of a new state, rethinking the role of art and its placement in the ideological service of the new regime) is actively being carried out in modern Russian history. Special attention is paid to cinema as «the most popular of the arts» and one of the most truthful mirrors reflecting state policy in social, cultural, national and many other spheres. This article attempts to analyze the office documentation related to the cinema of the period 1917–1929. More than four dozen film organizations created during this period for films production carried out the distribution, advertised state film policy, published manuals on film art, etc. A detailed research of these sources recreates a holistic picture of state activity in the field of establishing methods of ideological propaganda, controlling the spiritual sphere of society's life, as well as reeducation and upbringing of a new Soviet citizen. The cinema study of the post-revolutionary time is presented in a wide range of scientific works. Despite the extensive complex of these studies, the national historical science did not focus on the study of normative legal acts regulating the sphere of cinematography, its general characteristics were not given. For a holistic study of the problem, an integrated approach was used, including the application of general scientific and special historical methods. During the research, the author draws the conclusions about the validity of the events in the development of the post-revolutionary film business.

Keywords: history, history of the cinema, the USSR, state administration of film arts, historical source.



Nadezhda N. Makarova, Associate Professor, Candidate of History, Department of World history, Institute of Humanitarian Education, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU); Magnitogorsk, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Lada I. Svirichevskaya, a student, Department of World history, Institute of Humanitarian Education, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU); Magnitogorsk, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Makarova N. N., Svirichevskaya L. I. State Policy Formation in Relation to Cinematography in the Period of 1917–1920s. (on the Materials of LegislativE Acts in the Field of State Administration of Film Arts), Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2022, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 34–42.