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Abstract. This article focuses on the problem of spiritual and moral education in school in relation to Russian society losing its status as «literature-centered», implementation of new educational standards and discussions about modern teaching concept of Russian language and literature among teachers.  An attempt has been made to compare literary and theological approach to the process of development of moral and spiritual frame of references, inclusion of the universal human values and spiritual experience of the nation.  Basic principles of school literature course which are valid for all secular public educational institution where formulated: attitudinal and denominational neutrality, consistency, representativeness and objectivity. Literature school lesson excluding attitudinal bias and religious missiology is considered to be an optimal way of moral and spiritual development and education in  a secular public educational institution. Study of the Bible as a literary monument, uncovering Christian motifs in works of famous writers such as L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoyevsky, A. Blok, B. Pasternak etc. deepens the conceptualization of artworks on which literature lessons are focused and makes a book not only a subject of study but also a road of self-discovery as well as a way to experience the world and it’s norms and values. It is stated that literature, unlike religious dogmatism, as an art model of the world allows active co-creation, a specific way of knowing life and inclusion of spiritual experience of the nation, which makes it possible to comprehend Christianity values through compassion and fill hearts with the lite of love and kindness. Value of the modern literature lies not in its desire to rebuild the world in according with medieval ideas, but in a search of an adequate language to comprehend the chaotic reality.

Keywords: moral and spiritual education, literature in school, secular education, basics of religious culture and secular ethics.



Anna V. Podgorskaya, Candidate of Philological Sciences , Associate Professor, Institute of Humanitarian Education, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU); This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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For citation

Podgorskaya A. V. Modern Literature Lesson and Problem of Moral and Spiritual Education at School, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2018, vol. 2, no 3, pp. 16‑20.