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Abstract. One of the urgent problems of modern national pedagogy is the problem of overcoming and preventing teachers’ professional deformations - qualities that destructively affect their professional behavior. The authors suggest that the causes of such personal deformations of teachers as aggressiveness, social hypocrisy, authoritarianism, dogmatism, conservatism and emotional indifference, are emotional burnout syndrome and stress of modern pedagogical activity. There are also some pedagogical myths within the teachers’ minds which are an aggregate of pedagogical prejudices, delusions and myths. Based on the theoretical and methodological study of the problem under study and the analysis of the works of I. I. Logvinova, A. V. Gladkogo, V. I. Andreeva, S. D. Polyakova, V. M. Naydysh and other researchers, the authors summarized the tasks of pedagogical mythology as a new field of theoretical knowledge, clarified the concept of myth, including pedagogical, and its difference from delusion. Defining pedagogical myths as inadequate ideas that manifest themselves in the field of pedagogical interaction, whose carriers are teachers and students, the authors summarize the origins of pedagogical myths (such as society, pedagogical theory and pedagogical community) and give examples of the most common pedagogical myths. The article also summarizes the results of the study of pedagogical myths among students of pedagogical specialties of the Institute of Humanitarian Education of NMSTU. The data obtained by the authors indicate that the negative experience gained by the students in the school and university has become a source of pedagogical mythology for most students, which can later lead to negative pedagogical attitudes and professional deformations in future teachers.

Keywords: professional deformations of teachers, pedagogical mythology, pedagogical myths



Natalia A. Bakholskaia, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Asistant professor, Department of Teacher Education and Documentation, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Bakholskaia N. A. The Role of Pedagogical Mythologies in Teachers’ Professional Deformations, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2018, vol. 2, no 4, pp. 12‑17.