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The article is dedicated to the issue of the development of teacher readiness for project activities as an integrative trait of a secondary vocational education teacher, substantial for the effective implementation of the activities mentioned above. The relevance of the research comes from the demand for a secondary vocational education teacher readiness to project activities as well as inadequate study of the issue along with the lack of a scientific and methodological basis for its development in terms of an educational institution. The study reveals basic approaches to determining the nature of one of the pedagogical conditions for development of a secondary vocational education teacher readiness under study: creating project-based learning environment. The methods of the research were theoretical analysis, simulation and experiment. The  core of the required and sufficient pedagogical conditions for the development of the activities under study includes the concepts of activity orientated, information and project-based approaches; key characteristics of the components of a secondary vocational education teacher readiness to project activities: motivation-and-value, cognitive, activity oriented, and reflexive-evaluative as well as the results of the indicative experiment. In reviewing psychological and pedagogical books the author examines the basic concepts: condition, pedagogical condition, learning environment, project-based learning environment. While essentializing the creation of project-based learning environment special attention is given to the characteristics of the distinguished components: technological, spatial, social and information ones; conclusions are drawn concerning the interjection between the proposed project-based learning environment and a secondary vocational education teacher readiness to project activities components. The author also introduces activities for building the proposed project-based learning environment at managerial, organizational, and information-diagnostic levels. The proposed project-based learning environment has information, practical-oriented and developing principles, and it provides a secondary vocational education teacher with a higher level of transition of the readiness under study.

Keywords: learning environment, project-based learning environment, pedagogical condition, the development of a secondary vocational education teacher readiness to project activities.



Elena D. Tregubova - head of academic and methodological  department,  Polytechnic College, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University,  Magnitogorsk, Russia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Tregubova E. D. Project-based Learning Environment as a Precondition for the Development of a Secondary Vocational Education Teacher Readiness for Project Activities // Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2019, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 6–13.