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This article describes the problems arising in the process of forming the readiness of future bachelors of the Humanities University for project activities within the framework of teaching educational disciplines directly or indirectly related to project activities, and describes possible solutions to these problems. An innovative technology “educational robotics” – was chosen as means of forming the readiness of bachelor arts students for the project activities.  A comparative analysis of the initial engineering competencies (at the initial stage) of technical and humanitarian University students required for effective teaching of educational robotics in the framework of formation of readiness for project activities is presented. The concept of “educational robotics” is clarified, its specifics and content are described. Educational robotics is an interdisciplinary field of study for students that integrates knowledge about physics, mechatronics, technology, mathematics, cybernetics and ICT, and allows them to engage in the process of innovative scientific and technical creativity. Robotics is one of the most advanced areas of science and technology.  It is aimed at popularizing scientific and technical creativity and increasing the prestige of engineering professions among students, developing their skills for practical solution of actual engineering problems and working with equipment. The use of sets of educational robotics in the educational activities of the University increases the motivation of students to study, since it requires knowledge from almost all academic disciplines: from Arts and History to Mathematics and Natural Sciences. As a form of motivation and acquisition of initial competencies in the field of algorithmization and programming of students-bachelors of the University of Humanities, as mandatory conditions for studying educational robotics, we offer virtual design tools in the scratch animation programming environment.

Keywords: educational robotics, project activities, information technologies, algorithmization, humanitarian profile, designer.



Andrey V. Litvin, Director of Information technologies  laboratory, Head of Informatics Department of  Magnitogorsk municipal autonomous educational institution «Academic Lyceum», Magnitogorsk, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Litvin A. V. Is there a Difference in Prepairing a Bachelor for Project Activities by Means of Educational Robotics in Humanities and TechnicaL Higher Schools?, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2020, vol. 4, no 1, pp. 66-71.