Abstract. This article examines the features of creating written medical documentation using the example of a small-format text “medical report”, the choice of which as the subject of research is due to several reasons, namely its clear structuring and small volume with a high degree of informativeness. Studying the features of medical texts, as an integral part of the dynamic development of modern medicine, will help to better understand their structure, terminology, style and context in order to avoid errors in the interpretation of information and translation, which determines the relevance of addressing this topic. The novelty lies in the fact that the main emphasis in the analysis of texts was placed on identifying word-formation models of vocabulary and describing the pragmatic potential of the text. The purpose of this article is to analyze authentic medical reports and describe their linguistic and pragmatic features relevant for the adequate translation of documents of this type. The study used the method of continuous sampling of the analyzed units, the descriptive method, the structural method and the method of component analysis. The analysis made it possible to establish that the type of medical text under study is both descriptive and directive, which determines the choice of vocabulary and syntactic structures in its compilation. At the lexical level, the main features are the use of terminological vocabulary, both native German and borrowed. Borrowings from Latin and Greek are explained by the tradition of using Latin and Greek roots to form medical terminology. Borrowings from the English language are the result of new discoveries in terms of diagnostics, pharmacology, and the introduction of a new diagnostic app. The use of special special syntactic structures used in medical opinion is due to the desire for unambiguity and unambiguity of the content. In addition, for an adequate interpretation of information and translation, if necessary, the pragmatic features of the text should be taken into account. This research is of practical importance for specialists and translators in the medical field.
Keywords: medical report, descriptive text type, directive text type, lexical composition, syntactic structure.
Information about the authors
Akasheva T. V. – head of the Department of Linguistics and Translation, Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.
Rakhimova N. M. – Associate Professor of the Department Linguistics and Translation, Candidate of Philological Sciences Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.
Zharkova A. D. – student at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, Samara State Medical University.
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For citation: Akasheva T. V., Rakhimova N. M., Zharkova A. D. Features of medical documentation on the example of the descriptive-directive text type “medical report”, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Humanitarian and pedagogical Research, 2024, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 45–53. (In Russ.), doi:10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-4-45-53.