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doi: 10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-4-06-14

Abstract. The transformation of the higher education goals and values entails not only changes in the nature of a teacher’s professional training in higher education, but also modification of his/her position and role. In this regard, the use of the institute opportunities for mentoring in pedagogical activity at different levels of modern education is one of the key problems. The article substantiates the problem relevance on the formation of mentoring ‘student- pupil’ in the process of professional training in the university of a future teacher and its formation. The research aim is to present a practice-oriented model of mentoring ‘student – pupil’ and to substantiate its innovative potential in the professional self-determination of a future teacher. The article presents the organization experience of mentoring according to the ‘student – pupil’ model in the process of professional training of university students for the organization of pre-professional training of Academic Lyceum, Magnitogorsk, students. The model effectiveness of mentoring ‘student – pupil’, implemented in the framework of the innovative project, is based on the introduction of mentoring technology among students of pedagogical specialities as a tool for bridging the gap between the pace model of updating the content of pedagogical training and the pace of updating general education in accordance with the principles of the Concept of teacher training for the education system for the period up to 2030. Theoretical methods are design of mentoring model, theoretical analysis, comparison, generalization. Empirical methods are survey of respondents, analysis and generalization of practical experience at the ball of the regional innovation platform. The obtained results of the study allow asserting that the technology of mentoring acts as an effective tool for professional training of future teachers in higher education.

Keywords: mentoring, mentoring activity, mentoring model ‘student – pupil’, mentor technology, innovative potential of mentoring model in the future teacher’s formation


Information about the authors:

Kostomarova Е. V. – deputy director Municipal Autonomous General Education Institution ‘Academic Lyceum’.

Savva L. I. – doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Pedagogical education and Document Science, Institute of Humanitarian Education, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU).

Smushkevich L.N. – candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Municipal Autonomous General Education Institution ‘Academic Lyceum.



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For citation: Kostomarova E. V., Savva L. I., Smushkevich L. N. Educational potential of the model of mentoring ‘student – pupil’ in the future teacher's professional development in higher education institution, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Humanitarian and pedagogical Research, 2024, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 6–14. (In Russ.), doi: 10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-4-06-14.