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Abstract. The The production centers of the USSR were shifted to the east by early 1942. It required a change in the rail transportation system. The Ural-Kuzbass region came out on top, which was the only one in the country that had not reduced the total volume of cargo movement. By 1942 it had already been the location where up to half of all freight traffic in the country was concentrated. The operation of the railway transport was one of the main factors in the work of the industry. More than a quarter of the total cargo turnover was accounted for by coal. In the same time there had been a significant change in the coal transportation structure. That time the high-calorie coals of Kuzbass and Karaganda were sent to the Urals exclusively for the needs of coking. For energy purposes, the Ural region happened to use only local low-calorie coal. That structure made it possible to optimize coal consumption at the local level, but the Ural energy industry had to limit electricity production by coal mining. Throughout the war years, the electric generation in the Urals experienced difficulties in fuel production though in 1942 it became possible to establish the main transport flows and stop the production decline in the energy sector. The main military industries received enough fuel and energy, but the non-military ones and the social sphere of the rear areas were constantly experiencing a shortage of these resources.

Keywords: economy, war, Ural-Kuzbass, railway, cargo transportation, coal, electric power industry


Information about the author

Melnikov N. N., Associate Professor, Candidate of History, Senior Researcher, Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Branch of RAS.



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For citation: Melnikov N. N. Coking and energy coal supply of Ural enterprises during the war years, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Humanitarian and pedagogical Research, 2024, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 30–38. (In Russ.). doi:10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-2-30-38.