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Abstract. The purpose of the article is to highlight some features of stylistic analysis of the text using the example of an English-language work of art. The study relies on the following methods: analysis, logical matching, semantic-stylistic analysis. To achieve the designated target, a number of tasks are performed. First, text linguistics is considered as a branch of general linguistics. Secondly, the concept of text as a communicative system is specified, the basis for the creation, perception, interpretation and understanding of which is the process of communication. Thirdly, it is stated that the text can be the object of complex philological analysis, one of the stages of which is the consideration of time-shaped author’s means of artistic expressiveness. This makes it possible to distinguish the stylistic analysis of the text into an independent phased procedure: the definition of the theme of the work, its functional style, the form of the communication, the emotional tone and composition of the work; review of the most important expressive means and stylistic techniques found in the text; highlighting the main idea of the text; brief conclusions on the use of means of artistic expressiveness; an expression of your personal relation to the work. The key stage in the stylistic analysis of the text, which determines the practical significance of the article, is a detailed study of the author's means of artistic expression, which is considered on the example of a fragment of the work of the modern English writer T. Parsons “Man and Boy”. It is concluded that testifies to the theoretical and practical significance of the study: the stylistic analysis of the English artistic text should demonstrate knowledge of the main concepts and terms of this branch of linguistics, the ability to determine various expressive means and stylistic techniques, and assess their role in transmitting the main content of the narrative. The most valuable in such an interpretation is the novelty of the study carried out in the article: units of authentic language material are considered not in isolation, but in a certain text product, speech flow. This indicates the applied significance of the results obtained: stylistic analysis of the English-speaking text contributes to the development of communicative competence, linguistic knowledge and professionally significant communicative skills.

Keywords: text linguistics, text, philological analysis of the text, stylistic analysis of the text, stylistic device, means of artistic expressiveness


Information about the author

Korobkina N. I., Candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Linguistic department of Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University.



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For citation:  Korobkina N. I. Stylistic analysis of the english-language text (based on a fragment of T. Parsons’ work “Man and boy”), Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Humanitarian and pedagogical Research, 2024, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 59–66. (In Russ.), doi:10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-1-59-66