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Abstract. Modern technologies have become an integral part of the educational process over the past decade. School classes are equipped with computers, and in English classes it is impossible to do without a projector – this is how the principle of clarity of the taught material is implemented. Along with visual video and audio materials, methods of bright and colorful assimilation of the material – interactive methods – are introduced into the process of learning a foreign language. Online boards, quizzes, video games have become assistants of a modern teacher in the process of language learning. However, there is a problem of oversaturation of students with interactive technologies: if earlier it was an effective way to quickly involve a student in a lesson, now the eye of high school students is “blurred” by years of using such materials. The teacher spends a lot of time with the desire to diversify the lesson, following the modern trends of interactivity of lessons, postponing the usual methods of language teaching. In this study, the object is the process of teaching a foreign language to high school students. The subject of this study is an interactive component of a foreign language lesson at the senior stage of learning. The ubiquitous and methodically unjustified use of interactive teaching methods was put forward by us as a research problem. In this article, the authors focus on the importance of understanding the individual mental characteristics of students at the senior stage of education. Based on these data, the authors formulated recommendations to teachers on the formation of lesson planning, which contributes to better assimilation of new material and concentration of students' attention at all stages of the lesson. Special attention is paid to the most effective methods of teaching in foreign language classes.

Keywords: high school students, senior level of education, a foreign language, interactive technologies, traditional methods of teaching


Information about the authors:

E. V. Tulina, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Linguistics and Translation Department, Institute for the Humanities, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.

E. D. Tulina, a student of the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation, Ural Humanitarian Institute, Ural Federal University.



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For citation: Tulina E. V., Tulina E. D. Features of the introduction of interactive language learning technologies at the senior stage of studying, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya =Humanitarian and pedagogical Research, 2024, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 25–30. (In Russ.), doi:10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-1-25-30.