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Abstract. The scientific text of the article is devoted to the identification and description of communicative strategies and tactics of a newspaper discourse. The interest in the discourse is associated with the need for linguistic phenomena study in their close connection with communicative, social and cultural factors. The relevance of the research is explained by the necessity to clarify the scroll of newspaper discourse strategies and tactics as well as to describe the types of journalists’ speech turns in publications devoted to a specific issue – health. Journalistic texts on health topic, taken from the most popular current periodicals were used as the research material: Izvestia, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Kommersant, Vedomosti. The selection was made in the period of 2022-2023. To describe the speech turns of journalists, an algorithm for analyzing communicative strategies and tactics was developed and then applied. As a result of the research, the concepts of communicative strategy and communicative tactics were concretized, the issues newspaper articles were determined, the following strategies and tactics were characterized: the strategy of provoking emotional reactions (tactics of comparison, polarization, formation of a tense emotional state, heroization), management of critical perception (tactics of fragmentation, joint reasoning, references to an authoritative source, exclusion of facts), creating an "infopovod"\info motive (tactics of hoax, "native" advertising). The study confirmed the idea that the journalist’s communication strategies and tactics choice when writing a material directly depends on the subject of journalistic publication. The prospects of this study are seen in the further expansion and refinement of presented communicative strategies and tactics nomenclature in texts about health.

Keywords: newspaper discourse, communicative strategy, communicative tactics, health, journalism.



Oksana E. Chernovа, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Institute fo the Humanities, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University; Magnitogorsk, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Chernovа O. E. Communication Strategies and Tactics in Newspaper Publications on Health, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2023, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 42–48.