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Abstract. The article examines the features of the symbolic reality of F. Sologub's works’ aesthetic world. This poem is an artistic example of the reflection on the verbal creativity phenomenon, which is characteristic for F. Sologub’s works; besides, this phenomenon is represented not only in his articles, but also in artistic texts. The purpose is to consider the images of water and fire, since these primary elements are given within the essential and valuable structure of the poem throughout the whole text. So, the initial intention assumes to identify how these primary elements are connected with the image of creativity (“creative forces”) and the occasional (individual author's) mythological image of Moira-Aphrodite. The research method used in the article is phenomenological, suggesting the description of the artistic world as an intentional object with immanently inherent meanings, and the hermeneutic one, suggesting the interpretation of the text and images of artistic reality. The main results of the work reveal the dual semantics of water and fire, tears, dream and dew, Moira-Aphrodite herself and sweet poison. And the “word”, which represents the theme of a poetic creativity, is endowed with an ambivalent, twofold, characteristic feature – a precious burden. This feature covers two aspects: the hard work, burden, but the burden itself is valuable, so the efforts are meaningful and justified. The relevance is approved by the fact that the Silver Age poetics itself needs to be considered carefully, and in particular, the F. Sologub’s text requires some specific interpretation. The novelty of the research is proved by the importance of the primary elements of water and fire in the figurative system of the text; it also approves the drawback to the Antique times and its impact on the individual author’s myth making and the further formation of its modernistic component.  The results can be used in the course of further study of F. Sologub.'s works and as some material for a training course dedicated to understanding the Silver Age poetry in Russian literature.

Keywords: Moira-Aphrodite, Silver Age, myth-making, primary elements, symbol, myth.



Anastasia A. Aksionova, Master of Philosophy, Assistant of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. ORCID ID: 0000–0001–5048–6019.



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For citation

Aksionova A. A. The Elements of Water and Fire in F. Sologub's Poem “Creative Forces have not Dried up”, [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2023, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 54–59.