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DOI: 10.18503/2658-3186-2022-6-3-49-54

Abstract. There are the issues of the Russian language influence on the Nagaibaks, a small indigenous people of the Southern Urals, in the article. A Nagaibak - Russian dictionary data is used to prove the Nagaibak language originality and characterize the layers of Russian borrowings in it. The research methodological basis is historical and anthropocentric approaches, comparative and descriptive methods of the analysis. The author proceeds from the fact that the identity of the Nagaibaks is based on three signs. The first of them is a distinctive Turkic language; the second is Orthodoxy (the Nagaibaks believe that their ancestors were baptized even earlier than the Eastern Slavs); the third is the Cossacks (status the Nagaibaks were awarded for faithful service to the sovereign in the XVIII century). Despite the fact that many works have been devoted to the history of the appearance of Nagaibaks on the eastern borders of the Russian Empire, their role in the protection of state borders, participation in the most important military campaigns of the XIX century, in the First World War and the Great Patriotic War, and the Nagaibak culture has become the object of study not only by domestic but also foreign experts, the most important component of the Nagaibak people culture– its language - remains not only poorly studied, but also unwritten. There are several reasons for this state of things. The major one is connected with a long period of the Nagaibaks non-recognition by the state authorities as a special, albeit small ethnic group. The novelty and at the same time the relevance of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the lexical and phraseological composition of the unwritten Nagaibak language, which is threatened with extinction, is subjected to scientific description. Its continuation may be the creation of the Nagaibak alphabet and grammar. Russian and Nagaibak shared faith and cohabitation in the Southern Urals contributed to the active influence of the Russian language on the Nagaibak language, especially in the lexical and phraseological aspects. The results of the published research have shown that the phonetic and lexico-phraseological systems of the Nagaibak language have originality, and Russian isms are most vividly represented in everyday, religious and social and-political spheres.

Keywords: Nagaibaki, Orthodoxy, Cossacks, the Turkic language, Russian language, borrowings.



Svetlana G. Shulezhkova, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of the Russian Language, General Linguistics and Mass Communication, Institute of Humanitarian Education, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU); This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Shulezhkova S. G., The Russian Thing in Lexical and Phraseological System of the Nagaibak Language, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2022, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 49-54.