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DOI: 10.18503/2658-3186-2022-6-1-55-62

Abstract. The article is devoted to relevant literary and cultural issue at the edge of XX-XXI centuries – the specifics of literary centrism in Russian literature. The object of the study is the autobiographical prose of Russian-language literature Abroad (I. M. Efimov «The Link of Times. The Notes of The Appreciative. In the Old World» (2011). The author of the article analyzes the peculiarities of a dissident writer thinking. The hypothesis is the narrator – the «I» of the famous historical novelist, the reflective personality type perceives a private life through the prism of history and great Russian literature. In addition to the factologies and chronology of «The Thaw» in 1950–1960s the notes include «third wave» emigrants biographies episodes: I. Brodsky, S. Dovlatov and other I. M. Efimov`s friends of Leningrad «samizdat» in 1960s-early 1970. Extensive intertextual field – from ancient literary monuments to modern literature, and Western European philosophy of the XX century – gives the «The Notes» an encyclopedic character. The originality of this research is revealed, firstly, the identification of special facets of the literary centrism of the dissent writer who analyzes his personal dissident experience in «The link of Times. The Notes of The Appreciative. In the Old World», secondly, the study of insufficiently known genre features of The Notes as a type of memoirs. There is a combination of political, social and cultural and literary components in the perception of «The Thaw» contemporary. In I. M. Efimov’s conscious, fixing the details of «One Day of Ivan Denisovich» publication, social and political changes in the USSR are inseparable from international situation in 1962. Each fact of dissident writers publication marks a progressive way of Russian literature development based on the classics traditions. The methodology of this article combines biographical, historical-literary, typological methods and the methods of culturological research.

Keywords: literary centrism, Russian-language literature Abroad, dissidents, autobiographical prose, the Notes of I. M. Efimov «The Connection of Times. The Notes of The Appreciative. In the Old World».



Maya L. Bedrikova, Associate Professor, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Linguistics and Literary Studies Department, Institute of Humanitarian Education, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Bedrikova M. L. I. M. Efimov «The Link of Times»: Peculiarities of Literary Centrism in the Auto-Biographical Prose of the Russian-Language Literature Abroad, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2022, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 55–62.