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Abstract: Resume Training of professional teaching staff remains one of the leading tasks in the education system of the Republic of Belarus. One of the main issues of this training is the communicative competence of the inclusive education teacher. The communicative competence is a multi-component education that includes some communicative knowledge, communicative skills, communicative abilities, as well as personal qualities. These components are important and mediate the formation of each other. The most interesting and, in turn, the most difficult to study are the personal qualities of the teacher. In this work, we studied the change in the level of empathy formation in the process of implementing the elective discipline – the communicative activity of an inclusive education teacher. A comparative study was carried out among graduate students of two faculties: pedagogical and psychological and the faculty of modern Slavic and Germanic languages. Experiment: There were 200 people, half of whom (100 students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology) participated in the study of the discipline -"Communicative Activity of the Inclusive Education Teacher ", as well as in active volunteer activities aimed at increasing the level of empathy formation. The I.M. Yusupov’s methodology "Diagnostics of the Polycommunicative Empathy Level" was used to determine the level of the empathy formation, as well as priority types of empathy at the ascertaining and control stages of the study. The results of the work on the formation of empathy are presented in the article and show that, despite a good study on this issue, there is still a need for new forms, methods of work on the formation of individual components of the teacher's communicative competence, especially in inclusive educational environment.

Keywords: сommunicative competence, communicative activity, inclusive education, empathy, students of pedagogical specialties.



Marina L. Krivut – Methodist of the Resource Center for Inclusive Education, Baranovichi State University, Baranovichi, Republic of Belarus; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Krivut M. L. Formation of Empathy in the Process of Implementing the Discipline Communicative Activity of an Inclusive Education Teacher, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2021, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 33–38.