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Abstract. The contemporary education system pays special attention to patriotic upbringing of younger generation; hence teachers‘readiness to implement patriotic upbringing is of a primary concern. It is sufficient to know state symbols, state famous personalities and what is more – to perceive a homeland as value. It is necessary not only for the practicing teachers, but also for students of pedagogical universities. In this article an image of a homeland which students of pedagogical universities have in mind has been researched. As a method of the research we use the method of semantic differential which represents itself as a modified procedure of subjective scaling. In order to receive an image of a homeland respondents were offered to choose one only adjective out of two antonyms. During the research 52 students of the Ural State Pedagogical University have been interviewed. According to results of the research students of pedagogical University have a rather positive image of a homeland. 94% of respondents consider their homelands as «good» and «pleasant», about 90% see it as «light», «beautiful», «natural», «useful», «open», «well-ordered». But at the same time some mixed data has been received where the students had to choose between such pairs of antonyms as «developed – backward», «independent – dependent», «mighty – weak», «high-minded – low-minded». Each of pairs has been chosen by about a half of respondents. Also about 60% of respondents perceive their homeland as «poor», «common» and «narrow-minded». Consequently, the conducted research shows the need of a further research upon this subject and also the need of carrying out some special work with students at pedagogical universities which is directed at forming a positive image of a small native land and valuable attitude towards it.

Keywords: students of a pedagogical university, a small homeland, a semantic differential, patriotism, patriotic education.



Anna S. Andryunina, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood, The Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Andryunina A. S. The Image of Small Motherland in Perception of Pedagogic University Student: Method of Semantic Differential, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2018, vol. 2, no 3, pp. 6-10.