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Increasing the number of children with special educational needs, revising attitudes in society towards children with special needs, development of the economy and democratic views, etc. contribute to the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Belarus. To work in conditions of inclusive education, a teacher with a high level of development of professional competence is required. One of the main components of professional competence is communicative competence. In conditions of inclusive education of the communicative competence of the teacher, special importance is attached, since all pedagogical activity is built on a communicative basis. At the same time, inclusive educational space includes all students: communicating using speech, supporting and / or alternative communication, not speaking the national language, etc. They bring into the communicative activity their specific features national, religious, socio-economic conditions. Therefore, to work in an inclusive educational environment, it is necessary to revise the educational programs of higher education in order to take these aspects into account in the training of future teachers. Due to the fact that this process is long, and trained teaching staff is needed today, volunteer activity is given great importance at the Baranavichy State University. In the process of volunteering, students acquire the experience necessary for professional activities to interact with students who have different special educational needs. Future teachers learn not only to communicate, but in practice they practice methods of conducting different types of lessons and extracurricular activities, which contributes to the formation of professional competence. Volunteering is a voluntary activity, however, the promotion of positive experience contributes to the fact that a significant portion of students are included in various volunteer projects. Such a project is the “Volunteer Marathon”, aimed at the interaction of students with students with special educational needs. This article presents the results of a study showing students' opinions on the impact of volunteerism on the formation of their components of communicative competence.

Keywords: communicative competence, inclusive education, volunteering, education in the Republic of Belarus



Marina L. Krivut – the Methodist of Resource Center for Inclusive Education, Baranovichi State University, Baranovichi, the Republic of Belarus; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Krivut M. L. The role of the volunteer marathon in the formation of communicative competence of teachers of inclusive education, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2019, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 6‑11.