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The article reveals the essence of cognitive practical activity and its pedagogical potential in the mental development of children of early preschool age. The author presents the results of the pedagogical experiment, which revealed the pedagogical potential of cognitive practical activity as a means of mental development of children of preschool age. The problems are identified at the ascertaining stage of the experiment, the method of mental development of children of early preschool age in the process of cognitive practice is  implemented at the transforming stage of the experiment and is seen as a solution to these problems. The article highlights the theoretical aspects on the basis of which a method of mental development of children of early preschool age in the process of cognitive practice is schemed out. Pedagogical conditions of the organization of cognitive practical activity with pupils of the second younger groups for the purpose of their mental development are described. The article presents the content of work with educatees, divided into thematic blocks. The author describes the tasks of different types, which were used in the organization of cognitive practical activity: survey, creative and organizational. Survey tasks included the study of the object according to a certain algorithm. They allowed younger preschoolers, interacting with objects, to learn their new properties and qualities. Creative tasks were aimed at enabling a child to show creativity. Organizational tasks allowed younger preschoolers to learn the basics of controlling their own activities and the activities of other children. The tasks of different levels of difficulty are revealed. Reconstructive level of difficulty involved activities in a partly changed situation familiar to children. The logical level of complexity required logical processing of the acquired knowledge.

Keywords: children of preschool age, thinking processes, cognitive practical activity, cognition, mental development.



Galina N. Kazaruchyk, Associate Professor, PhD in Pedagogics Sciences, Head of the Department of special pedagogical disciplines, Brest State A.S. Pushkin University, Brest, the Republic of Belarus,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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For citation

Kazaruchyk G. N. Mental Development of Children of Younger Preschool Age in the Process of Cognitive and Practical Activities, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2019, vol. 3, no. 2, pp.  6–11.