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 Socio-economic and political conditions formed in this country, reforms of Russian education and the “information boom” are changing the basic educational guidelines from “education for life” to “education through life”. In this regard, the developmental guideline implementation in students’ cognitive activity acquires particular importance. The article presents a cognitive ability development model of adolescents with deviant behavior by means of gaming technology. The following methods were used as a methodological toolkit,: a study of the learning motives, the intellectual potential test (P. Rhzitchan), the Münsterberg test , the Lippmann logical regularity test, the method by А. V. Karpov, reflection diagnostics, reflexivity questionnaire by V. N. Karandasheva. The results of the aforementioned tests and methods revealed that a significant reorganization of educational work makes the educational activity more complex, the number of subjects increases together with the number of teachers each of whom has their own style of teaching and approach to their students. As a result of it the teenagers who were eager to reproduce the educational material not so long ago, begin to protest and reproduce the material in their own words while their teachers demand accuracy of the answers. The students feel bored, lazy, indifferent in class and have a lack of interest in learning, etc. The teenagers’ active interrelations with society, their extensive interaction with peers, and fixation on their individual interests and preferences reduce the interest in learning even more. Thus, there is a need to discuss this topic, as well as the development of the model under the study.

Keywords: model, modelling, cognitive abilities, deviant behavior, playing techniques.



Maxim A. Klimov, Post-graduate student, Department of Social Work and Psycho-Pedagogical Education, Institute for the Humanities, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU), Magnitogorsk, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Klimov M. A. Cognitive Ability Development Model of Adolescents with Deviant Behavior by Means of Playing Techniques, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2019, vol. 3, no 1, pp. 12–17.