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The article is devoted to the consideration of the interaction of functional-semantic categories of cause/purpose – effect with the category of reciprocity.  Differences in the nature of mutual relations are shown for their purpose in the situation of mutual physical movement, reciprocal actions with “the object of mutual interest” (the subject of property value) and when communicating in thought-speech-language actions. The relevance of the study of the interaction of semantic fields, the movement of functional-semantic categories, is defined by the need in scientific-practical activity to measure “linguistic matter”, thus improving the methodology of linguistics. If the system of representations is formed, based on the functional coordination of the thought, speech and linguistic components of the phenomenon of the LANGUAGE (as thought-speech-language unity), then the methodology of linguistic research is required accordingly to follow the nature of the realization of cognitive function of the brain, that is, in each fragment of the studied phenomenon to recognize the properties of the whole, to see it as part of the whole – A Complex System capable of self-development. The methodology of linguist didactics is essential at school to avoid scholasticism in language learning and impaired holistic perception of the world. From the very beginning of the educational process it is necessary to rely on an understanding of the synergy of self-development of the Complex System.

Keywords. Functional-semantic category, reciprocity, causal-rezultative conjunctions, syncretized complex, thought-speech-language unity, self-development of the Complex System, conceptual thinking.



V.K. Radzikhovskaya – Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor,  Department of Russian Language, Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow State Pedagogical University; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Radzikhovskaya V. K. Interaction of Functional-Semantic Category Reciprocity with Fields of Cause / Aim – Consequence, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2020, vol. 4, no 1, pp. 54-65.