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The article describes the process of integrating digital technologies into various spheres of human life. The article identifies some trends and issues that are caused by the specifity of the modern stage of scientific and technological development. It has been established, that the high-tech environment in which the modern individual is included contributes to the growth of information flows and the development of digital dependence, that can lead to negative consequences in the development of the emotional and social intelligence of the individual, and his cognitive abilities. The article emphasizes that in the context of the information, technological and digital revolution of the twenty-first century, the ability to critical thinking, self-regulation and self-management acquire special importance for the personal and professional development of the individual. The key competencies in the information age are the ability to respond flexibly to challenges, solve complex intellectual problems, go beyond ready-made algorithms, readiness to sort out professional problems innovatively, and timely transform their behaviors and learning strategies. In addition, the article analyzes the role of the higher education system in present- day reality. The article states that at the current stage of the fourth industrial revolution, there is a need for changing the approaches to  teaching and training   the current young  generation in higher school  in such a way that the higher education system can be effectively integrated into the new world picture . Self-directed learning is presented as a promising concept. The article considers self-directed learning as a multidimensional phenomenon and a dynamically developing component of lifelong education. The formation of readiness and ability for self-directed learning in the system of higher education will allow an individual to perform the tasks effectively in educational, professional, social and personal space throughout a lifetime.

Keywords: digital technologies, higher education, self-directed learning, individual development pathway.



Maria V. Kudryavtseva– Senior Lecturer, Department of social work and law, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, St. Petersburg, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Kudryavtseva M. V. Self-Directed Learning as an Important Aspect of Effective Individual Development under the Conditions of Digitalization of the Modern World, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2020, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 6–11.