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The article considers the need to form the ability of modern young people to manage consciously their own learning and development. This need is connected both with the integration of new educational standards into higher education, and with the trends of today’s reality. In accordance with the new standards, the share of students' independent work is increasing; therefore, their ability to self-educational activities is increasingly important in the conditions of modern scientific, technological and socio-economic realities. Independent work is an essential element of the educational process in higher education and is defined as a form of self-education. The work shows that modern students experience difficulties in the organization and running of their independent work. Accordingly, in modern pedagogical theory and practice there is a growing need to make a search for new solutions to this problem. The ability to organize and implement independent self-educational activities is considered as a necessary condition for the full and continuous personal and professional development and self-improvement of the individual. The self-managing learning is presented as a fundamental element in the implementation of self-educational activities and as a leading point of the basis which makes the individual educational trajectory of the personality. The article analyzes the scientific research of foreign authors who discussed the strategies and solutions to the problem of self-managing learning. It was defined by research that this is a complex system with many aspects and related components. There have been viewed some theoretical and methodological foundations of the implementation of self-managing learning and highlighted the foreign researchers’ opinions on a problem under consideration. There were analyzed key components of self-directed learning and outlined some approaches to the formation of readiness to students’ self-managing learning in higher education context.

Keywords: higher school, independent work, self-educational activity, individual, student, self-directed learning, readiness, development.



Maria V. Kudryavtseva - Senior Lecturer, Department of social work and law, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, St. Petersburg, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Kudryavtseva M. V. Theoretical and Methodological Basis for Realization of Self- Managing Learning at University, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2020, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 15–19.