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The article views the conditions and factors that determine the features of professional and creative self-realization of the Polytechnic College teachers in the situation of modernization within the system of secondary professional education. Federal and regional legal documents are aimed at developing a unified strategy to provide the Russian economy with highly qualified personnel, which can only be prepared by competent teachers and masters of industrial training who regularly improve their professional level. The formation of the personnel potential of colleges has its own characteristics, which are reflected mostly in the fact that most teachers being actually technologists and specialists in their own technical areas have no pedagogical education. The problem is the age structure of the teaching teams of secondary vocational education organizations that is its updating due to the inflow of young personnel is quite slow. The above factors determine features of colleges’ pedagogical potential, which requires the creation of special methodological conditions for comprehensive and suitable support of teachers development in both professional and creative fields.

Keywords: vocational training, self-realization, methodological support, College teacher, master of industrial training, educational and production activities.



Svetlana V. Petrochenko – Methodist of Surgut Polytechnic College, Surgut, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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For citation

Petrochenko S.V. Features of Professional and Creative Self-realization of the Polytechnic College Teachers: the Oretical Aspect // Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2020, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 6–14.