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DOI: 10.18503/2658-3186-2021-5-1-17-23


In modern educational and professional standards, a special place is occupied by competencies associated with the ability of an individual to effectively organize and implement the process of independent learning, as well as to regulate the processes of his self-educational activities, professional development, etc. The article notes that for future professionals, the ability to effectively organize and to realize their own independent work in the process of studying at a university, since this factor has a direct impact on the results of professional training. The article analyzes the approaches of domestic researchers to understanding the essence and content of independent work. The article emphasizes that in order to carry out effective independent work, students must be ready for self-directed learning. The problem of self-directed learning is considered as one of the most urgent for modern pedagogical science and practice. The article presents an analysis of foreign and domestic psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem under consideration. The different approaches of researchers to defining the essence and key components of self-directed learning are outlined. Several points of view of scientists on the definition of the most important personal characteristics that contribute to the effective implementation of self-directed learning are presented. The article also examines the views of domestic and foreign researchers on the formation and development of students' ability to self-directed learning. Special attention is paid to the study of linear, interactive and educational models known in foreign pedagogical science and practice. The article notes that the ability of young people to self-directed learning is a fundamental condition for effective educational activities, professional development and personal development in the modern world. It is emphasized that the strategy of self-guided learning is promising in the context of teaching students in modern higher education, since it meets the requirements of the new reality.

Keywords: independent work, self-directed learning, higher education, personal and professional development, student, professional



Maria V. Kudryavtseva, Senior Lecturer, Department of social work and law, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, St. Petersburg, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Kudryavtseva M. V. Self-directed Learning as an Important Condition of Effective Implementation of Independent Work of Students, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2021, vol.5, no. 1, pp. 17–23.