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In modern studies, special attention is paid to the theoretical and methodological aspects of the use of the case method, but the aspect of evaluating the effectiveness of the case method is not adequately disclosed. The article presents the research of domestic and foreign scientists on the effectiveness of the use of the case method in various fields of professional activity. The necessity of implementing the case method in higher education is highlighted, special attention is paid to one of the areas of professional training of future specialists in the field of personnel management. Based on the analysis of theoretical material devoted to the consideration of the structure of business communication, the formation of readiness for business communication, we determined the structure of readiness of future personnel management specialists for business communication. The curricula and work programs of some Russian universities were studied (such as: G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Baikal State University of Economics and Law, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Engineering, Surgut State University, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Surgut State Pedagogical University and others) in the direction of training "Human Resource Management". Problems are identified in the analysis of work programs of disciplines that impede the formation of readiness for business communication. The article presents the results of an experimental study on the use of the case-method to form students' readiness for business communication at Surgut State Pedagogical University. The results of the research work experimentally confirmed the effectiveness of the use of the case method in order to create readiness for business communication of students in the training direction "Personnel Management" at the university. Recommendations are offered for developing the level of readiness for business communication using the case method.

Keywords: high education, case, case method, assessment of efficiency, readiness for business communication, formation of readiness for business communication.



Elena V. Lukiyanchina, Lecturer, Department of Socio-Economic Education and Philosophy of Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut, Russian; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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For citation

Lukiyanchina E. V. Implementation of the Case-method in Practice of Higher Education, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2020, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 11–19.