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Abstract. This article shows that in the conditions of modern reality, the ability for continuous learning and continuous self-development, the ability to self-regulation and developed critical thinking acquire a special significance for the personal and professional development of an individual. It is noted that lifelong education cannot be effective without the readiness of the individual to manage his activities and the processes of his own learning. The problem of self-directed learning is considered as one of the most urgent for modern pedagogical science and practice. The article presents the analysis of foreign and domestic psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem under consideration. There were outlined different approaches of foreign researchers the definition on the essence and key components of self-guided learning, as well as the factors of its effectiveness. The author presented the views of scientists on the definition of key personal characteristics that contribute to self-directed learning. Some ideas of Russian researchers on the key components of self-directed learning are considered. It is emphasized that self-directed learning has a complexly organized nature and presupposes, on the one hand, the internal readiness of the individual to implement such training and, on the other hand, the formation of the corresponding skills for organizing and implementing self-directed learning. The article notes that the formation of young people's readiness for self-directed learning is an urgent and demanded task of modern education. The readiness of young people for self-directed learning is a fundamental condition for effective educational activities, professional development and personal development in the modern world. It is emphasized that the problem of self-directed learning requires close attention from the standpoint of modern pedagogical theory and practice. An integrated approach to the identification of significant components, conditions and stages of the formation of readiness for self-directed learning will allow to design an effective model for the formation of the readiness of modern young people for self-directed learning.

Keywords: self-directed learning, education, development, learner, components.


Kudryavtseva Maria Viktorovna - Senior Lecturer, Department of social work and law, St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, St. Petersburg, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



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For citation

Kudryavtseva M. V. Theoretical Basis of Self-Directed Learning in Modern Pedagogical Science and Practice, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2020, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 15–19.