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One of the ways to improve the activities of educational organizations in the formation of a schoolchildren's health culture is the integration of the resources and capabilities of organizations of various departments within the regional educational space of a particular region. The aim of the study is to identify and justify methodological approaches to organizing the interaction of institutions of various departments in the regional educational space for the formation of students' health culture. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were applied: conceptual-terminological and theoretical-methodological analysis, comparison, interpretation, generalization. To identify and justify the importance of approaches in accordance with the purpose of the study, a multi-level concept of methodological knowledge is used. At the philosophical level, the axiological approach is taken as a fundamental one, since health is a universal (highest) human value and the main value orientation of a person that determines a healthy and full development of an individual. The general scientific level is represented by a system-interaction approach, which is the ratio of system and interaction. The system component of the approach involves the consideration of the object as a single functional whole, which has its own qualities that are distinguishable from the qualities of its individual parts. The interaction component of the approach allows solving the pedagogical problem by means of influence, communication, transition, development of various objects under the influence of mutual actions on each other and on other objects. The specific scientific level includes an integrative approach, involving the implementation of the educational process in educational organizations based on the use of resources of all subjects of educational activity. The technological level makes it possible to gradually plan, sequentially solve tasks and interpret the results. The administrative and managerial aspect of the technological level is represented by a cluster approach, and a personal-activity one represents the psychological and pedagogical one. The possibility of applying the cluster approach as a methodological basis for consolidating the resources and capabilities of organizations of various departments within the regional educational space having the aim of improving the activities of educational institutions in the direction of creating a culture of students' health has been substantiated.of educational institutions in the direction of creating a culture of students' health has been substantiated.

Keywords: basis, interagency interaction, cluster approach, educational organization, regional educational space, health culture, students.


Konstantin V. Chedov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Physical Culture and Sports Perm State University, Perm, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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For citation

Chedov K. V. Formation of Healthy Culture of Schoolchildren: Methodological Basis of Interaction of Organi-zations of Various State Departments, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2020, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 6–14.