Abstract. The study of political elites has traditionally remained a popular topic. Of particular interest are the political elites and leaders of the Stalinist era. In the scientific literature, the term “inner circle” of J. V. Stalin was established, which represented the top of the Soviet political elite, a privileged group that occupied leadership positions in power structures directly involved in decision-making related to the use of power. All representatives of the Soviet political elite 1934–1939. were Stalin’s nominees who found their way into the highest and middle echelons of the party and state apparatus. In terms of its specific composition, Stalin's entourage is a variable quantity, that is, a mobile com-munity of Stalin's comrades-in-arms, loyal to the leader to varying degrees, which ultimately determined their hierarchical position. It is the “inner circle” that will be discussed in this article. To get closer to understanding the problem, it is necessary to analyze the composition of the political elite according to biographical parameters, consider the party and state activities and the sphere of competence of each representative of the “inner circle”, study the marital status and quality of life of the Soviet higher nomenklatura, examine the relationship between representatives of the Politburo, show the involvement in repressions and identify survival strategies of representatives of Stalin’s circle. In general, the hierarchical position of the highest nomenklatura was determined by devotion to J.V. Stalin and the criteria that he presented to his comrades: long-standing friendly relationships, professional competence, strong-willed qualities, physical endurance and ability to work, involvement in repressions, existence of “dark spots” in the biography ", diligence. Not everyone around the leader was able to pass such a selection.
Keywords: history of Stalinism, Politburo, political elite, personnel policy, “inner circle” of J. V. Stalin
Information about the author:
Makarova N. N. – Associate Professor, Candidate of History, Associate Professor at the Global history, Institute of Humanitarian Education, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU)
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For citation: Makarova N. N. «Inner circle J. V. Stalin»: principles of personnel selection in 1934–1939. Part 1. Towards the formulation of the problem (to be continued), Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Humanitarian and pedagogical Research, 2024, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 21–34. (In Russ.) doi:10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-4-21-34.