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Abstract. The article is devoted to the issue of “Ural identity”, traditionally investigated in ethnography, linguistics, history, psychology, philology, along with the questions: “Russian archetype”, "Russian character”, “Russian/Slavic soul”. The author analyzes interpretations of the concept of “Ural identity” based on material mainly prose works of the XIX–XXI centuries about the Urals and people of the Ural character in the works of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, literature of the 2010-2020s, the chronicle novel by V. Kataev “Time, forward!” (1932/1933), the memoirs of the American worker J. Scott about Magnetostroy (records 1932–1938), L. Luzin's documentary and journalistic publication Generation-62 (2010). Interpretations’ analysis of Ural identity is carried out in the aspect of correlating the image of Russia with images of people, objects, paintings associated with the Urals. Research novelty lies in the analysis of meanings in interpretations of Ural identity in domestic literature of the XX–XXI centuries and the interpretations analysis of Russian nature in fiction, documentary and journalistic prose of the XXI century. The methodology of the article was based on a combination of historical, comparative, biographical and typological methods of research in literary criticism. The issue of “Ural identity” required an appeal to the methods of related humanities, to the results of studies of behavior stereotypes, traditions, mentality of Russians, held at the turn of the 20th -21st centuries by national psychologists (Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences). In this direction theoretical aspects (consciousness of large groups of the population), practical issues and psychological methods developed by the psychologists were used.

Keywords: identity, Ural identity, Russian character, the Urals, Magnitogorsk, V. Kataev “Time, forward!”, J. Scott “Beyond the Urals”, L. Luzin “Generation-62”


Information about the author

Bedrikova M. L., Associate Professor, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Linguistics and Literary Studies Department, Institute of Humanitarian Education, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.



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For citation: Bedrikova M. L. Interpretations of the category "Ural identity" in Russian artistic and documentary-journalistic prose of the XX-XXI centuries, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Humanitarian and pedagogical Research, 2024, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 67–76, (In Russ.), doi:10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-1-67–76.