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Abstract. This article analyzes Russian-Kazakhstani cooperation in energy industry in 2014–2024. The subject of the article is Russian-Kazakhstani cooperation in 2014–2024. Collaboration in energy sector is one of the most significant elements in Eurasian integration, strategically important for Russia and Kazakhstan. Simultaneously Kazakhstan is trying to diversify its energy export. This corresponds to the Kazakhstan version of the multi-vector foreign policy.

Kazakhstan seeks to maintain mutually beneficial relations with leading regional (Russia, China) and non-regional states and supranational associations. As part of the study of Russian and Kazakhstan official sources devoted to the energy sector of both states, specific historical and historical-comparative methods and case study are used. The author applies Middle state theory, World-system analysis and comparative studies. Thanks to the theory of the “middle state”, it is possible to determine the features of Kazakhstan's foreign policy conduct, including the directions of Kazakhstan's energy exports – the most essential export item for the country. Kazakhstan will strive to increase the share of energy supplies to the EU member states because of the refusal of European countries to import Russian energy resources. It is emphasized that Kazakhstan will take a small share in energy supplies to the European market, maintaining the principle of multi-vector in foreign policy. Further cooperation in the energy sector between Russia and Kazakhstan will develop depending on the formation of the energy union of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan's desire to diversify its energy exports, including to China.

Keywords: Russian-Kazakhstani relations, energy industry, Kazakhstan multi-vector option, middle state theory, Kazakhstani foreign policy, Kazakhstani-European relations, Russian-Kazakhstani-Uzbek gas union


Information about the authors

Kotik A. V., postgraduate student in History of International Relations and Foreign Policy (1st year), MA in History, State Sector Faculty, World Economics, International Relations and Law Department, Novosibirsk State University of Economy and Management.

Savkovich E. V., Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor at the Department of World Economics, International Relations and Law, Novosibirsk State University of Economy and Management.

The author declares no conflicts of interests.



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For citation: Kotik A. V., Savkovich E. V. Russian-Kazakhstani energy cooperation 2014–2024: problems and contradictions, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya = Humanitarian and pedagogical Research, 2024, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 41–49. (In Russ.). doi:10.18503/2658-3186-2024-8-1-41-49.