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DOI: 10.18503/2658-3186-2023-7-3-39-44

Abstract. The article examines the position and role of the women in the social sphere of Kyrgyzstan during the years of independence. The subject of the study is to identify the conditions, trends and patterns that determine the position of women in the socio-cultural processes of Kyrgyzstan in 1991-2021. The main purpose of the work is to analyze the status of women in the socio-cultural processes of Kyrgyzstan during the years of independence (1991-2021). In accordance with the goal, the task is defined: to study the status of women in the conditions of changing socio-cultural processes of Kyrgyzstan. The economic reforms carried out in the country have led to the increase of poverty, especially among women. In order to participate in society, women need to have access to continuous improvement of education at various levels. In the Kyrgyz traditional society, there are stereotypes of the upbringing, according to which pedagogy and medicine were considered as a purely female activity, and so, still dominate in engineering specialties. But unfortunately, these professions do not provide women with appropriate remuneration for their work and occupation of status positions in a modern Kyrgyz society. Socio-economic and cultural changes in the country are primarily related to the achievements of medical science and healthcare. However, the opportunities of this area are not used and supplied in a full range. The result was the deterioration in the health of the population, the increase in a number of the disabled people, patients with tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, alcoholism and drug addiction. Currently, the reasons are poverty, and destruction of a former social protection system. The other grounds are the decay within the structure and quality of nutrition in conditions of permanent decrease of the living standard among the main population segments.

Keywords: women, economic reforms, social sphere, poverty level, equality.



Kipariza N. Karabaeva – Senior Lecturer of the Department of “History and Philosophy” of Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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For citation

Karabaeva K. N. Women of Kyrgyzstan in the Conditions of Transformation of Socio-cultural Processes (1991–2021), Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2023, vol. 7, no 3, pp. 39-44.