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Abstract. Activity of local councils in village management in the late 1920s and 1930s was not fully studied in the historical studies. Therefore, it is quite important to conduct a regional measurement of the processes that took place in the Ural village at a turning point at the transition from the new economic policy to the implementation of the socialist reorganization in agriculture. The emergency situation during the grain procurement in 1927-28, the beginning of mass collectivization of individual peasant farms, dekulakization were accompanied by repression not only of law enforcement bodies, but also of district executive committees of councils, village councils. The collectivization of the village itself, as well as the methods of influencing the peasant population to fulfill state duties, both were conducted on an illegal basis. Not only at the beginning, but also in the following years of collectivization, methods of intimidation and persecution became decisive in the activities of Soviet bodies. Involvement of authorized higher-level party and government institutions as controlling structures further exacerbated the situation in rural areas. The joint efforts of local Soviet bodies and various authorized stuff peasants were compelled to follow instructions from the center unquestioningly. Plans for harvesting agricultural products, taxes were the subject to mandatory implementation, regardless of the crop and the real possibilities of the peasants. Some payments from voluntary business turned mandatory. In order to fulfill the tasks set, Soviet workers in the Urals region often violated the law, applied unlawful methods of influence to the villagers. The so-called excesses or extra measures, although condemned in words, were an effective means of influencing dissenters.

Keywords: Soviet authorities, village, repression, the Ural region, collectivization, harvesting of agricultural products.



Vladimir V. Filatov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, associate professor  Department of World History Institute of Humanitarian  Education Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (NMSTU); This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Filatov V. V. Participation of Local Soviet Administrations of the Ural Region in Repressions Against Peasants on the Eve and in the Years of Collectivization, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2018, vol. 2, no 2, pp. 29-36