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This article considers the peculiarities of keywords choosing and mentioning in English-language science articles of world history from history journals, which are indexed in Scopus international abstract and citation base. It presents such aspects as choosing keywords to approach the chosen theme of science text and trend of mentioning the keywords directly in the text of article. The research material includes 12 different articles from 4 English-language history journals, The Journal of Medieval History, The Journal of Pacific History, Cultural and Social History, The International Journal of History of Sport. The keywords were studied from the perspectives of their total amount, structure and frequency of references in a text. A definition of tag as one of keyword types is present in this paper; a tag is a word or word collocation which is included in the list of keywords but is never mentioned in headlines, abstracts or texts. The study has showed that the average amount of keywords in articles from English-language history journal varies from 5 to 6 and not only meets the journal requirements, but also corresponds to human short term memory. As a rule, the keywords have very high frequency of mentioning inside the article text. Another research made on Russian-language material using the same methods showed that tags are used less frequently in the articles from English-language humanities journals than the related Russian-language articles.

Keywords: keyword, tag, frequency of mention, science text, science article, history journal, English-language journal



Mark A. Ekimov, Masters student, Department of Russian Philology and Applied Communications, Humanities Institute, Cherepovets State University (ChSU), Cherepovets, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Ekimov M.A. Peculiarities of Keywords Choosing for English Language Science Articles (Basing on Data of History Journals Included in Scopus Base), Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2020, vol. 4, no 2, pp.47-55