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The article is devoted to the results the analysis done on one of the stages of a large-scale linguistic and cultural experiment aimed at studying the specific character of the linguistic picture of the world among the Kazakh and Russian bilingual speakers. The experiment participants are the Kazakh language native speakers constantly using Russian. The research is focused on the correlation between two pictures of the world, i.e. a native and a non-native ones, which is peculiar for this particular group of native speakers.In linguistic and cultural studies phraseological units are considered to be the language signs that store the most ancient values of the national culture. The experiment has been carried out in several stages. Its aim is to find out the comprehension (awareness) level by Kazakh and Russian native speakers of the most frequently used phraseological units in modern Russian. Various experimental methods have been used: close-test, questioning, speech production. At the planning stage there have been revealed some significant differences in the worldview between the Slavic and Kazakh people traditionally living different lifestyles. Differences in understanding the image of the road are regarded as a quite significant one in means of communication. They can cause false interpretation of Russian phraseological units by bilingual speakers and as a result cause a speech conflict. The inclusion of phraseological units with the road component in the experiment has allowed to verify the initial hypothesis. The speech materials obtained during a series of experiments show that there are linguistic and cultural lacunae in the consciousness of Kazakh-and-Russian bilingual speakers.Not being able to rely on the concepts of their own culture in order to project the existing knowledge onto a new picture of the world, the non-native speakers inevitably face a problem of understanding the speech with phraseological units and a communicative failure when trying to use these units in their own speech.

Keywords: linguistic culturology, cultural code, linguistic consciousness, phraseological picture of the world, phraseological unit, experiment, Kazakh-and-Russian bilingualism.



Elena V. Bodrova, Master’s degree of Linguistics, specialist in educational and methodical work of the Architectural and Construction Institute of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “South Ural State University (National Research University)”, Chelyabinsk, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lyubov N. Churilina, PhD. in Philology, Professor, Department of Russian Language, General Linguistics and Mass Communication, Institute of Humanitarian Education, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (“NMSTU”. Magnitogorsk. Russia)This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Bodrova E. V., Churilina L. N. PhraseologicaL Unites with a Component «Road» in Speech Practice of Kazakh-Russian Bilinguas, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2020, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 43–46.