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The paper discusses the question of improving university students’ foreign language competency level in the course of reorganization of engineering education. The main emphasis is made on the problems appearing in the course of integration of the foreign language into the structure and content of the engineering disciplines and the search for their solutions. The most significant problems mentioned in the paper are the lack of skilled teachers, capable of speaking fluently in foreign language on professional topics, the unsatisfactory amount of the academic hours dedicated to the subject, the absence of the educational materials, developed to teach these technical disciplines in a foreign language. The major ways of solving these problems are the development of author foreign language programs, focused at training teachers regarding their specialties, the increase in the academic hours dedicated to the foreign language study, lecturing on engineering disciplines in a foreign language, the introduction of teaching materials including elements of the newest technological processes and scientific discoveries (for instance, the use of information from scientific articles for reading, listening or discussion.)  The complex and the differentiated approaches are used as the general approaches to the reorganization of the teaching process at a technical university, which allow taking into account all the teaching aspects (reading, writing, listening and speaking) united on the basis of the unique terminological vocabulary and the engineering technologies and at the same time highlighting such major nods in the foreign language study as professionally-oriented translation, oral practice, grammar and so on.

Keywords: foreign language competency, teaching foreign languages at a technical university, professionally-oriented study of a foreign language, engineering education, the peculiarities of teaching a foreign language at a technical university.



Elena V. Suvorova, сandidate of Science in Pedagogy, аssociate professor, Foreign Languages for Engineering Chair, Institute for the Humanities of  Nosov State Technical university, Magnitogorsk, Russia; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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For citation

Suvorova E.V. Integration of the Discipline “Foreign Language” into the General Framework of Engineer-ing Education: Problems and the Solutions, Gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie issledovaniya [Humanitarian and pedagogical Research], 2020, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 6–10.