3 2024

The scientific journal “Humanitarian and Pedagogical Research” ISSN 2658-3186 (Print) has been published since June 2017 with a circulation of 500 copies. The print publication is registered as a mass media (PP No. FS77-79220 dated 10.22.2020). Subscription index – 79634.

The founder is the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University”, is carrying through and strengthening the best traditions of humanitarian education and science today. The scientific board and the editorial team of the journal work on the basis of the Charter.

The target audience of the journal is a global community of scholars engaged in research in pedagogical, psychological, historical, social, philosophical, philological spheres and other humanities in a broad sense, as well as all people interested in a wide range of modern problems of the humanities and education in Russia and other countries.

Articles written in line with modern scientific research in the above-mentioned spheres are accepted for publication. The editorial board is ready to publish articles without sharing the author's point of view (leaving them open for discussion).

All articles and materials published in the journal are checked for originality in the “AntilagiatVuz” system, and then undergo a double “blind” review. Since 2021, articles have been assigned a digital object identifier (DOI).

Sections of Journal

The journal "Humanitarian and Pedagogical Research" presents the following core sections:

# Name of the heading/section of the peer-reviewed scientific publication Branches of science and/or groups of specialities of researchers in accordance with the Nomenclature of scientific specialities for which academic degrees are awarded
1 Education and Pedagogical Sciences 5.8. Pedagogy (pedagogical sciences)
5.8.1. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education
5.8.2. Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (by areas and levels of education)
5.8.3. Correctional pedagogy (sign language pedagogy and typhlopedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy and speech therapy)
5.8.7. Methodology and technology of professional education
2 Social Sciences 5.3. Psychology (psychological sciences)
5.3.1. General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology
5.3.5. Social psychology, political and economic psychology
5.3.7. Age psychology
5.4. Sociology (social sciences)
5.4.4. Social structure, social institutions and processes
5.5. Political science
5.5.1. History and theory of politics (historical sciences)
5.6. Historical Sciences (historical sciences)
5.6.1. Domestic history
5.6.2. General history
5.6.4. Ethnology, anthropology and ethnography
5.6.5. Historiography, source studies, methods of historical research
5.7. Philosophy (philosophical sciences)
5.7.6. Philosophy of Science and Technology
5.7.7. Social and political philosophy
3 Philological sciences 5.9. Philology (philological sciences)
5.9.1. Russian literature and literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation
5.9.2. Literature of the peoples of the world
5.9.3. Theory of literature
5.9.5. The Russian language. Languages of the peoples of Russia
5.9.6. Languages of peoples of foreign countries (Germanic and Romance language groups)
5.9.8. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics
5.9.9. Media communications and journalism (philological sciences)
4 For Discussion Any of the above-mentioned branches of science and/or groups of specialities. The section selects the works which, in the opinion of the editorial board, indicate problems or contain conclusions that require close attention and discussion by the general scientific community.
5 Scientific Life Reviews, reports on the results of conferences, reviews on any of the above-mentioned branches of science and/or a group of specialities. In the section, the journal publishes reviews on published scientific works; responses and feedbacks to the past scientific conferences, symposiums, forums; materials for the anniversary of scientists and scientific schools.


The journal accepts articles on a wide range of scientific specialities in social sciences and humanities, giving priority to above-mentioned scientific specialities.

The editorial board believes that creating space for broad academic debate in corresponding fields of knowledge contributes to innovative developments, projects and approaches, to consideration of existing problems and challenges. The journal receives articles in the Russian and English languages for publication. The article must be structured in accordance with the requirements approved by the editorial team.

The authors of the articles and materials published by the journal are doctors and candidates of science, university teachers, teachers, postgraduates, undergraduates conducting research in a wide range of social sciences and the humanities. Preference is given to articles written in the field of pedagogical, historical and philological sciences. Preference is given to materials in the following scientific specialities:

5.6.1. Domestic history

5.8.1. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education

5.8.7. Methodology and technology of professional education

5.9.5. The Russian language. Languages of the peoples of Russia

5.9.8. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics


Full versions of the published materials are freely available

• on the site of elibrary.ru in the RSCI agreement no. 17-01 / 2018 (Add.agreement no. D-154-18 dated 24.01.2018): https://www.elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=66633

• in the scientific electronic library "Cyberleninka" (Additional agreement to the License agreement № 31395-01 "11" January 2019 link: https://cyberleninka.ru/journal/n/gumanitarno-pedagogicheskie-issledovaniya



The frequency of issues is 4 times a year.

Publication Schedule of the journal "Humanitarian and Pedagogical Research»

Publication of Issues Delivery of Issue to The Printing Office Collecting the Materials
№ 1 March 15-20 march 15-20 January
№2 June 15-20 June 15-20 March
№3 September 15-20 September 15-20 June
№4 December 15-20 December 15-20 September

The publication of articles is free of charge. (Archive)